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Amen, Michele to "our tendency to emphasize behavior without tying it to the gospel." This is new to me but it makes so much sense. When we are daily reminded of our own dependence on God's extravagant grace, it DOES create a change in us (and our kids). But focusing just on behavior for behavior's sake does not have the same impact. 

I hope to grow in financial generosity this Lent. My pastor has been challenging us to grow in generosity and lately I have been hearing God call me to think about giving outside of my (carefully calculated) comfort zone. I also want to be, at the core, a cheerful giver. 

Thanks for unpacking the reasons your church does what it does, Gary. I love that you have coffee before church to welcome new faces and also serve those who come to church early (staff, praise teams, etc.). Also appreciate how you mentioned the blessing that the servers receive in serving and getting to know others. Seeing this role as a privilege changes the whole outlook! 

Thank you, Frank, for this thoughtful response. It is truly amazing how God puts certain books on our path during different seasons of our lives and I appreciate you giving a glimpse of the books on your journey. I love Eugene Peterson and have not yet read Reversed Thunder (but would like to). The House of Seven Gables might not be a book I'd normally grab but I think the writing style alone could be interesting. Thanks again for sharing! 

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