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Paul was the best friend you could imagine and his caring spirit, sense of humor, and love of God will stick with me for a long, long time. I will miss him so much! Thanks for sharing these reflections on a life well lived, Mark. 

Hi Michael! Thanks so much for your thoughts -- you raise some interesting points. Understanding sin as TOTAL depravity and need of God is indeed different than just realizing we are imperfect. I completely agree that our understanding of sin influences our need of Jesus (and a savior in general).

Re: your last question "Is being liked really the obstacle for the gospel...", I might be missing part of your explanation. What I more wonder is "what is it about Christians/the church that are turning people away?" I'm not sure it's the gospel but instead I wonder if it has more to do with the behavior of the followers.  

Thanks again for your thoughts! Really appreciate the additional questions to consider. 

Hi Josh, 

After reading this post I became acutely aware of how often I say "God, if it is your will..." when praying. I began to question why this is my default after every "request" to God. Do I feel guilty asking God for the desires of my heart? Am I afraid of God answering with a "no"? I'm not always sure. 

Thanks for sharing this! I am trying to pray more boldly, knowing God is powerful and responds to our prayers. 

Hi Roger: 

Thanks for sharing! Really good point about how Christians can come across as offensive when we proclaim that there is no other name/no other way to get to God than through Jesus. For a tolerant "live and let live" society, this is problematic. I think part of the challenge is finding ways to build relationships first (hopefully removing some of the collective stigma of Christians) and through these relationships, share the gospel and pray for the message to be received (with the help of the Holy Spirit). Thanks for also mentioning the parables. Important to look at how Jesus responds! 

Thanks again!


Hi Shannon! Thank you so much for sharing this. I completely agree that Halloween, though a secular holiday, is a GREAT opportunity to engage with our neighbors and share the love of Jesus (and have fun =)). Loved the practical ideas. Thanks again! 

Thanks for sharing this! I have not yet heard the Parable of the Prodigal Son be preached where the focus is more on the older brother. But, I think you hit the nail on the head with many of your points. Despite growing up in the church and Christian schools, I still relate more to the younger brother (as you said, "All of us were once dead in our sins. All of us were at one time lost. All of us were at one time made alive in Christ"). Thanks again!

Thanks for sharing this blog! Job changes and unemployment can be very unexpected and we need to offer encouragement and resources to those who are looking for jobs. I'm also so grateful for companies that hire people with disabilities. They are an incredible asset! 

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