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Kudos to Mark Stephenson and the entire team who assembled the guidelines for requesting a leave of absence for pastors with mental health issues.

This document/toolkit will serve Pastors, councils, and churches well.

Thank you immensely,

Larry Van Essen


I think it is the same reason farmers and dairymen get subsidies as well as large oil companies.  They simply could not make a profit without it.



You have expressed my sentiments exactly.  We should not define ecclessiastical so that it excludes "political" expreession on clearly stated Scriptural or confessional topics.  I pray that synod will keep the wisdom of your comment s in mind.

Amen Nick!  Preach it loud and clear.  Hopefully synod will find its way to incorporate your wisdom in their guidelines.


I'm now 72 and a retired CRCNA pastor.  Early in my career I would come up against the suggestion that I should consider going RCA since that had a better retirement plan for pastors.  Of course I never considered doing that but It made me question if the defined pension plan we have is better than the RCA contribution plan. I really never pursued this then nor do I want to now.  Our younger pastors however have much more of a stake in this than I.  I hope they respond. 


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