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Kudos to Mark Stephenson and the entire team who assembled the guidelines for requesting a leave of absence for pastors with mental health issues.

This document/toolkit will serve Pastors, councils, and churches well.

Thank you immensely,

Larry Van Essen


I think it is the same reason farmers and dairymen get subsidies as well as large oil companies.  They simply could not make a profit without it.



You have expressed my sentiments exactly.  We should not define ecclessiastical so that it excludes "political" expreession on clearly stated Scriptural or confessional topics.  I pray that synod will keep the wisdom of your comment s in mind.

Amen Nick!  Preach it loud and clear.  Hopefully synod will find its way to incorporate your wisdom in their guidelines.


Dear Ed,

I'll try to answer your questions in the order they appear in your post.

1.  Ruthless capitalism is capitalism that violates the 8th commandment as defined by Lord's day 42 of the H.C.

2.  Materialism is the kind of materialism that precludes people from heaven because their first love is money rather than Jesus.

3. Irresponsible socialism is a socialism that ignores loving your neighbor as yourself, "working faithfully so that I may share with those in need." Q&A 111 0f H.C.  It also violates the sixth commandment as described by the H.C Lord's Day 40.

4.  I think that the pulpit should never bully except through the power of the preached word.  It may make me uncomfortable but then I need to ask is it my defiance of the Word or my obedience to God's word at bottom of this.

5.  Amen to Christlikeness.



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