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Tim Postuma on October 11, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

At this time it's just The Network and The Banner. And soon the main site.

Some of the agency sites will also be hooked into this, but likely not Faith Alive because they use a more specialized, e-commerce system that would be more difficult to make part of this. Maybe down the road, but not likely in the foreseeable future.

FYI, you can also check out this news story posted yesterday to the CRC Newsroom.

Our pastors are very open to feedback and, a few years ago, we decided to use Calvin Seminary's sermon evaluation form as the feedback tool. Our intention was to create an ongoing feedback loop, rather than an overall assessment of their preaching (that should be part of the annual evaluation). The biggest issue has been getting us elders to actually take the time and fill it out. But the tool itself, seems good. And I think doing it as some kind of ongoing feedback loop is healthier than just talking about it when there's a complaint.

Here's a link to the form.

Great point. Yes, we definitely want to keep those "attendees" in mind as well.

In fact, just looking at stats of our first few webinars the number of people who watched the recording are higher than the number who attended live. And those numbers will continue to grow.

Another interesting aspect is to see how many people huddle around a computer to watch the webinars together. That's something we ask about in the followup survey and it's cool to see how many do. What a great way to learn and discuss together.

Posted in: It's Your Page

Tim Postuma on January 31, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

That's a great topic, Jan. In my own church, we've often remarked on the same phenomenon. What are the similarities between those groups and what we more typically think of as a small group? And what are the important differences? And what can each type learn from the other?

Thank you, Mavis. Not only for your work as guide during the past year, but for your early and continued enthusiasm for The Network overall. I look forward to your continued participation!

This could be a perfect topic for a webinar (see the series we're putting together at Maybe we could see if Beth is willing to do her same presentation in a webinar format.

If there's some interest in that, we can check into it. Thoughts?

Tim Postuma on January 26, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

We also use Psalms for Young Children with our three little ones and it's great. The kids browse through and each pick a Psalm to read (usually based on how the artwork fits their mood that day - which is itself illuminating). I've even used it for council meeting devotions - just for something less wordy and more visually rich. It's beautiful and helps the Psalms come alive in a new way.

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