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Posted in: Jesus Knew

I love this article! Thanks for the thoughtful and nuanced questions. There is so much we want to control, or make better, but God has always worked through imperfect people to accomplish incredible things! 

Thanks, Graham! You are exactly right that it can be a logistical challenge to meet weekly for planning purposes. Glad that you are still able to have open channels of communication. Also, love the idea of musicians/pastors collaborating on a song led by the Holy Spirit - how powerful that would be!

Paul was the best friend you could imagine and his caring spirit, sense of humor, and love of God will stick with me for a long, long time. I will miss him so much! Thanks for sharing these reflections on a life well lived, Mark. 

Eva - thanks for the timely and helpful comment. I'm finding via responses that these church directories are still an incredibly useful and valuable tool. I can see it being a bit of work to maintain both printed and online versions. Looking forward to hear the progression of how your church decides to best transition! 

Thanks, Lou! I like the way that you explained thankfulness as a habit we must cultivate. This is a great reminder for those times when we don't "feel" thankful. 

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