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As I've already stated, you don't have to express support for the concepts of white privilege or systemic racism.  What I was suggesting is that you acknowledge the pain of racism and racist acts in our world before you get into critiquing the terminology or theory. I suppose that if someone believed that we were living in a society that didn't have any racism at all anymore, then that would be hard for them to do. In those cases, I would encourage the poster to look at our official denominational statements that task us to "to witness publicly against racism in defense of all people as imagebearers of God," and to “continued repentance of personal and institutional racism and other forms of discrimination.”

In answer to your questions:

1. see my response to Lubbert and to Doug.  The verb I used is "moderating" not "deleting", and I acknowledge that it will be difficult to understand what someone's lived experience is. I covet prayers for discernment. At the same time, you can usually tell when someone is sharing personal experiences.

2.  See same responses to Lubbert and Doug.  When people share their personal stories and how issues have impacted them, it helps us hear and learn from each other. This is the starting place for dialogue. When we neglect to see people's experiences as part of an issue, it leads to division and hurt.

3.  Please see community-guidelines. We want everyone to be polite, respectful in tone and language, etc. If you feel that a post or comment does not meet these standards, please flag it for review. 

4. See response to Marc. The thinking behind this practice is in the spirit of Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 107. Some scripture passages related to this are: Matthew 7:12, 22:39; Romans 12:10;  Matthew 5:3-12;  Luke 6:36; Romans 12:10, 18; Galatians 6:1-2; Ephesians 4:2; Colossians 3:12; 1 Peter 3:8; Exodus 23:4-5; Matthew 5:44-45; Romans 12:20-21; Proverbs 25:21-22


Your other comment was flagged for review because it did not meet the community guidelines. Singling out specific people by name as a way to make an argument seems neither polite nor respectful, and seems to be straying from the original intent of the post. 


Hi Trevor.  I've tried to explain a few times in earlier comments that just because you do not have the lived experience (in this case, not being a person of color who has experienced the negative impacts of racism), does not mean that you CAN'T comment. It just means that we will hold you to a higher standard.  We want to make sure that in those cases, the writer without the lived experience acknowledges the experience of those impacted before you post. In this case, Mark and Tim are doing that. They are respecting the voices of those most impacted by the issue, so the comment can stand.

Hi Dan. Interesting take. I'm Canadian but I watched President Trump's speech last night and the Democrat's rebuttal. I found it interesting that both parties seem to agree that legal immigrants are a blessing to the country, and that there is a need to tighten border security. It seems that a win-win solution that everyone can be happy with should be within reach. I wonder, though, if that will happen.  It seems to me (and Canadians are not exempt from this either) that people want to dig in their heels about their particular political position and make sure that the "other side" doesn't win. It's unfortunate because I don't think that leads to democracy at its best. What if instead of advocating with your elected representative to be for or against a steel or cement wall, we advocated with them to be bipartisan and find workable compromises?  What if our votes were based less on political parties and more on which candidates were moderate and willing to work with anyone from any party to find the best solutions? Am I being too idealistic to think that could work?

Thanks Rachael.  World Renew is high on our list as well.  Each year my kids save 10% of the money they've received over the year and choose how to donate it at Christmas. We've tried to help them learn how to use these funds wisely, but to also use it for causes that mean something to them. This year, one is donating to the local animal shelter because she wants to help stray animals in our city.  The other is leaning towards a gift catalog gift.

Thanks Micheal. As a communicator, I love this post about branding and believe that it is important for church leaders to consider.  As director of communications and marketing for the CRCNA, I also love your question.  I'm responsible for "managing the brand" of the CRCNA.  There are some parts of that that I can control. For example, I can work with CRCNA ministries to make sure that they are producing quality materials and are connecting back to our overall denominational identity. I can also create specific materials that highlight the values and identity items that we want "Christian Reformed" to be associated with.  The problem I face, however, is that far and away the greatest brand element that the CRCNA has is our local churches.  Most people will first be exposed to the word "Christian Reformed Church" through a local congregation in their community, or through neighbors who attend that church.  I would LOVE if every church displayed our CRC logo prominently and kept the words "Christian Reformed" in their name.  Unfortunately, that isn't always the case.  Many congregations are choosing a more generic name (e.g X community church) as a way to appeal more broadly to people in their community.  This meets their individual congregational needs for branding, but makes my job more difficult. We now have CRC members who have no idea that they are part of a denomination. This is a topic that might be worthy of its own Network post one day (e.g. what creative idea do you have for how to promote our denominational identity even if we have taken "Christian Reformed" out of our name?).  In the meantime, I thank yor for your question.  I also wanted to say that even if you are still X Christian Reformed Church, it is useful to consider these branding questions.  The denominational brand will help to explain a bit about you, but the layout of your website, the images you choose to share on social media, the content of your newsletter, etc will all communicate the unique characteristics of your local congregation.  Figuring out your brand identity will help you make those decisions.

The branding looks great, Michael. Nice job.  If you haven't already seen these, you can check out our CRCNA brand standards at

I hope that my earlier comment didn't sound like I was judging churches for their decision to drop "Christian Reformed" from their name. I can understand why they do it.  I was working at World Renew when they went through their name change and I know a lot of thought and prayer went into it. I believe it was the right decision for them (as it probably is for some congregations) . I'm just saying that it makes it harder for me to develop the brand of the CRCNA when it isn't well embraced by all our ministries and congregations. 

As for the other elements of our brand...for example, figuring out "what does it mean to be Christian Reformed to people today"...that is something that is an ever-evolving part of my work. It is also part of our ministry plan (Our Journey 2020). Some of the questions on the denominational survey asked about this, so I'm excited to see what those results will be.

As a mother of young girls, this topic is near and dear to my heart.  Growing up, I had three brothers.  I always felt that I, as a girl, could do anything that they could do. All around me, I saw women forging their way in leadership -- Kim Campbell became Prime Minister; Manon Rheaume was in the NHL. The one place where I didn't see women being welcomed and celebrated as leaders was in church. Women led in church in their own way (Sunday School, GEMs, Bible studies) but not from the pulpit or council room. This hurt and actually made me leave the CRC for a time. For this very reason, when my girls were born, my husband and I deliberately sought out congregations where women and men led in partnership with each other. 

If you are looking for a good book club book during Black History Month, I suggest "The Stone Thrower" by Jael Richardson.  In broad strokes, this is a story about Jael's dad, Chuck Ealy, who played football in the Canadian Football League. It is also a book about Chuck's experience with race in the U.S., where he grew up, and about Jael's experience with race in Canada.  I found it eye-opening.



Thanks Craig.  This is helpful feedback.  The unfortunate thing is that videos are expensive and time consuming to produce. If most churches aren't going to use them, or if a handful of churches are only going to show them once, it is hard for ministries to justify spending funds and time to make them.

With that said, I've been part of a few conversations recently about trying to create "less polished" videos that could still serve our needs, but at at lower cost.  Stay tuned.  

In the meantime, is there anything that you would like to see in print in the Together Doing More section of The Banner? Sounds like some good news stories from the denomination would be appreciated if we can cut through the clutter and get people to read them.

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