We join our hearts together in prayer as an act of worship. This list of resources covers the role of prayer in our worship services and a variety of prayers for special times and topics.
- Video Prayer for Ukraine
- Prayer for Ukraine
- Prayer Guide of Lament from Psalm 13
- Prayer Guide: Colossians 3:1-4
- Prayer Guide: Philippians 2:1-4
Prayer Methods
Blogs and Articles About Prayer
- Prayer Songs
- Winging Our Prayers
- The Long Prayer
- You Want Me to Pray for Whom?
- Tears at the Manger
- Questions to Consider Before Leading in Prayer
- Reclaiming the Power of Prayer in Worship
- The Importance of Corporate Prayer (Subscription required)
Prayer Services from Reformed Worship
- A Service for Prayer Day: Combining the Spoken Word with Visual Images
- We Live and Work in God’s World: Prayer Service for Crops and Industry
- Our Father in Heaven: A Prayer Service Using the Lord’s Prayer and the Heidelberg Catechism
- Hear, O Lord, and answer: A service of prayer
- In Jesus' Name
- Building Community Through Prayer: A New King of Prayer Service
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus: A Service of Prayer for Healing
- Community-Wide Worship (Subscription required)
- Pray Continually: An ACTS Service (Subscription required)
- An Interactive Service of Scripture Song, and Prayer (Subscription required)
Worship Service Prayer Elements
- A Prayer to Prepare the Heart Before You Gather for Worship
- Unison Prayer of Confession
- A Prayer of Confession
- Do Not Worry, Congregational Prayer
- Prayer for Illumination
- Prayer of Thanksgiving with the Ten Commandments
- Intercessions for the Church and World
- Intercessory Prayer; Making Worship Relevant to Daily Life
- Eucharistic Prayer
Prayer for Special Occasions
- Prayer Day Resources
- Autumn Prayer
- Prayer for Friendship Sunday
- International Day of Prayer and World Hunger
- Praying the Words of the Cross in the Season of Pandemic
- Prayers for Indigenous Ministry Sunday
- Pre-Election Day Worship
- Wedding Prayer
Prayer for Special Topics
- Prayers for the Fall Season
- Prayer for the New School Year
- A Prayer for Mission
- A Heart for the Nations: Prayers for World Evangelism
- A Prayer for Each Other with Spoken Responses
- A Prayer for Love for Our Neighbor
- Praying With the People of Japan Following Earthquake and Tsunami
- Prayers for Refugees and Immigrants
- Praying for Refugees and Immigrants: Resources from Reformed Worship
- Refugees
- A Prayer for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
- Prayer of Confession Regarding Unmarked Graves at Kamloops Indian Residential School
- A Prayer for Suicide Crisis in Indigenous Communities
- A Prayer of Confession After Suicide
- Loss of Children
- Death
- Grief
- Prayer for OSJ Offering
- Prisoners
- Worship Resources for Peace in a Time of Fear
- A Prayer for Healing and Restoration
- Victims of Sexual Violence
- Homelessness and Poverty
- A Prayer for an Anxious Week
- Prayers for Diversity/Disability Awareness Worship Service
- Mental Illness
- Addiction
- Sickness
- Chronic Illness
- Loneliness
- Sleeplessness
- On the Edge of Belief in Crisis
Prayer During Covid-19
- Prayer for Patience During Covid-19
- A Prayer for Perseverance During the Pandemic
- A Solemn Good Friday Prayer During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Prayers for the Vulnerable During Covid-19
- Praying for Our Muslim Neighbors in Light of Covid-19
- Simple 'Fly-Over' Prayers
- A Prayer for Helpers
- A Prayer for Healthcare Workers
Other Prayer Resources
- Lift Up Your Hearts Hymnal: prayers and litanies can be found for most of the songs included in LUYH. Simply to to LiftUpYourHeartsHymnal.org, click on the Songs tab, and search for a song, and then when that songs page appears, click on the “Worship Elements” tab on the left hand side of the screen to find suggestions for prayers, litanies, calls to worship, blessings, etc.
- The Worship Sourcebook
- Reformed Worship
- Prayers of the People
- Free Prayer Resources in the Digital Library
- Prayer Event: Learn the Lord’s Prayer with All Ages
For more worship resources see: Reformed Worship
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